Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Today, Wednesday January 12th-The Library is Closed

I'm sitting in a big comfy chair catching up on my reading.  The wind and snow are whirling around outside my window.  But, I did manage to grab a couple of DVD's from the library to watch today.  "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is one of those movies.  I'd give you a synopsis, but someone else in the family has already taken off with it!  Our library has many new movies, both hot off the press and new to us, but in black and white.  Hang a right by the Circulation Desk, wander by the Reference office and in the corner there is a display of our new movies.  Check them out, we've marked them with a blue New sticker.

I, however, am personally catching up on my Agatha Christie mysteries.  My one goal for 2011 is to read everything dear Agatha wrote (clarify...published mystery).  I read them all when I was much younger, and am wandering through the English countryside again searching for those clues I didn't catch the first time around!

We here at the library hope you are all home safe and warm.  And perhaps, catching up on your reading?