Friday, February 29, 2008

What's Happening in March?

What's happening in March at the Falmouth Memorial Library? One of our many programs and events starts Monday, March 3rd, the second annual Beauty and the Books. This is a silent auction that was great fun. Come by on Monday and check out all the great arts and crafts donated by local artists. I've got my eye on a certain pink sweater....what will you find? And the best part, all proceeds benefit the Falmouth Memorial Library. Thank you to all the contributors as well as our hardworking volunteers who put together a great event.

Leap Day

Happy “Leap Day”! Did you ever wonder the reasoning behind leap years? Check out the Marvel Databases and click on the link for Britannica Online Public Library Edition and type in Leap Year in the search box. You’ll be presented with articles from Britannica’s online edition of their encyclopedia. You can find out that a leap year is a year containing one extra day in February, like today, February 29th. But wait, there’s more! The articles provide links to explain terms more fully, like year or Gregorian calendar. Check it out!