Snarky The unofficial mascot of the Paranormal Book Group |
It's spring in Maine. The sun is out, the birds are singing and your library is busying cleaning up! We've spruced up the Children's Room and the Adult Collection is not far behind. So if you joined us in our Resolve to Read New Year's Resolution, really push the envelope and pick a genre you don't usually read! Get in the mix with some new young adult/paranormal fiction. Check out yesterday's posting for young adult titles or adult books that young adults are reading. This is a great way to connect with another generation by providing books to talk about with your kids or grandchildren.
Our Administrative Librarian, Jeannie Madden, has started a Paranormal Book Group that meets the first Saturday of every month. Join Jeannie at the library on Saturday, April 7th at 10am to discuss "The Hunger Games: movie which will be released March 23. This book group is for anyone--adults and kids--who has read the book AND seen the movie so they can compare the two without spoiling it for those who have not. Refreshments will be available.
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