Oh, it’s good to be back….not just to the feeling of giddiness when picking up my needles and the tactile experience of luscious yarns I haven’t seen since last winter, but to the knitting group A Common Yarn. After my hiatus, I have returned to attending the strongly established knitting groupies at the Falmouth Library. I have experienced great joy and satisfaction hearing the click clack of knitting needles, the oohs and aahhs of members ogling the beautifully colored yarns, exquisite projects and sharing tales of knitting and life. Yes, the goal of knitting is apparent but as we all know, it is no secret that connecting with others is equally important. What I have found delightful is the incredible diversity of our members in their interest of medium when working with fibers whether it is yarn, lace, weaving, rug hooking, crocheting, or fiberless hanging out. There are no rules around what you can work on and no deficiency in the amount of help that is available in so many areas. Whether I find myself sharing a “How to” tidbit or a confident “I don’t know” there are always many other minds willing to share their thoughts as well. We have members of all ages equally sharing their strengths with each other in the spirit of being in a community. Some may call it an addiction, some a hobby, some a lifestyle and others an opportunity to connect. I truthfully can say for me it is all that and more. To be able to walk in to the library through all the wonderful books and resources, past the many library goers on a mission, exchange smiles with staff and friends and then follow my yellow brick road to the knitting group in the conference room…..it is a priceless vacation.
As Dorothy learned, I too have learned the knitting group is truly the hiatus I have needed all along.
Melanie...A Common Yarn participant
As Dorothy learned, I too have learned the knitting group is truly the hiatus I have needed all along.
Melanie...A Common Yarn participant