A Readers Advisory blog for the patrons and friends of the Falmouth Memorial Library
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Friday, December 7, 2007
"The Trouble with CDs & DVDs"
The audiovisual items in our library get a lot of use and they show it! CDs, both music and books on CD are a wonderful resource, but they are so easily damaged the staff here @ FML spend a great deal of time cleaning off fingerprints and repairing scratches. Check out the article by our Director, Lynda Sudlow, in the December 4, 2007 issue of The Notes. We're looking for help from our patrons to keep the FML audiovisual materials in great shape so everyone who would like to, gets the same chance to listen or watch.
Some hints to great care:
Keep the A/V items stored in their container when not being used.
Handle the items by the edges to prevent leaving fingerprints
Don't store them in your automobile, they are sensitive to temperature
Lastly, let us know if there are specific titles you'd like to watch or listen to. We are also open to suggestions for additions to the collection.
Some hints to great care:
Keep the A/V items stored in their container when not being used.
Handle the items by the edges to prevent leaving fingerprints
Don't store them in your automobile, they are sensitive to temperature
Lastly, let us know if there are specific titles you'd like to watch or listen to. We are also open to suggestions for additions to the collection.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Always wanted to write Book Reviews?
Or do you just love to write? We are working on a series of writing programs this winter, along with some fun surprises. Keep an eye on our blog for updates!
The Holiday Season...
...is upon us! Please stop by to celebrate with us at our Holiday Open House. This year's event is Friday, December 14th 3pm-5pm. Join the staff for refreshments and some fine stories.
Friday, October 19, 2007
The Experience...A Common Yarn
Oh, it’s good to be back….not just to the feeling of giddiness when picking up my needles and the tactile experience of luscious yarns I haven’t seen since last winter, but to the knitting group A Common Yarn. After my hiatus, I have returned to attending the strongly established knitting groupies at the Falmouth Library. I have experienced great joy and satisfaction hearing the click clack of knitting needles, the oohs and aahhs of members ogling the beautifully colored yarns, exquisite projects and sharing tales of knitting and life. Yes, the goal of knitting is apparent but as we all know, it is no secret that connecting with others is equally important. What I have found delightful is the incredible diversity of our members in their interest of medium when working with fibers whether it is yarn, lace, weaving, rug hooking, crocheting, or fiberless hanging out. There are no rules around what you can work on and no deficiency in the amount of help that is available in so many areas. Whether I find myself sharing a “How to” tidbit or a confident “I don’t know” there are always many other minds willing to share their thoughts as well. We have members of all ages equally sharing their strengths with each other in the spirit of being in a community. Some may call it an addiction, some a hobby, some a lifestyle and others an opportunity to connect. I truthfully can say for me it is all that and more. To be able to walk in to the library through all the wonderful books and resources, past the many library goers on a mission, exchange smiles with staff and friends and then follow my yellow brick road to the knitting group in the conference room…..it is a priceless vacation.
As Dorothy learned, I too have learned the knitting group is truly the hiatus I have needed all along.
Melanie...A Common Yarn participant
As Dorothy learned, I too have learned the knitting group is truly the hiatus I have needed all along.
Melanie...A Common Yarn participant
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Need a Workout?
Join us for our annual Fall Clean-Up Day at the Library, Saturday, November 10th from 9am to noon. Please bring a rake and gloves, we provide the coffee and snacks. All ages are encouraged to come by and help us clean up the outside of the library.
Books, Books and More Books!
Don't forget to stop by our Fall Book Sale. Sneak Preview is Friday, October 12th from 4pm to 6pm. for current Friends of the Library, or a $5.00 donation. The sale continues into the weekend, Saturday from 9:30 am to 5pm and Sunday, October 14th from 1 to 5pm. A Buck a Bag on Sunday the 14th from 3pm to 5pm. We provide the bags, you provide the bucks. The Book Sale is a great way to help support the library!
Friday, September 7, 2007
A Common Yarn...
The Library's knitting group, A Common Yarn..., has moved its meeting time to Tuesday's from 3:30pm to 5:30pm. Please feel free to stop in for help starting a great new hobby or for help with a knitting/crocheting problem! The group has grown in size and is looking for new members to join in this fun activity!
LunchBox Friends
LunchBox Friends returns with local author, Jeanette Sferes, on Tuesday, September 11th at noon in the library's Russell Room. Please join us for a discussion of Ms. Sferes' first novel " Beyond the Memories". Bring a bag lunch, drinks and desserts are supplied by the Friends of the Falmouth Memorial Library.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Let's Talk About It

The Falmouth Memorial Library has been selected by the Maine Humanities Council to offer "Let's Talk About It", a free reading and discussion group with copies of the books available through the library. This program is provided by the Maine Humanities Council's Maine Center for the Book in cooperation with the Maine State Library.
The series Not for Children Only, begins Thursday, September 6th at 6:45pm and continues for five sessions through December 20th.
Books to be read and discussed in this series include: "The Classic Fairy Tales", "Little Women", "The Wind in the Willows", "Charlotte's Web" and "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". The discussions will be facilitated by a scholar provided by the Maine Humanities Council.
"Exploring ideas and issues through literature has always been exciting and fun," said Lizz Sinclair, director of "Let's Talk About It." "We find that there is great interest among adults in getting together to discuss what they've read with others. Having a discussion leader who is both excited about the readings and skilled in facilitating can help to deepen the experience."
Books for the program are available for loan at Falmouth Memorial Library. Please call Andi at the library, 781-2351 to register and come in to pick up the first book of the series.
This program is offered to Maine libraries through the Maine Humanities Council by a grant from the Belvedere Fund of the Maine Community Foundation.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Have You Read It?

I've read it, James has read it and so has Lauren.
What has the staff at the Falmouth Memorial Library been reading? The final (seventh) book in the Harry Potter series! Looking for something to read after Harry Potter? We can help you find it. Whether you are an adult with a new found love of fantasy or a child looking to fill these warm summer days with a good book, stop by the library and we can help you find it.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
"Snow Flower and the Secret Fan" Reading Map?!?

Our Wednesday Book Group is trying something new this year. We're working on a Reading Map of "Snow Flower and the Secret Fan". What's a Reading Map? It's a great way to really explore a book, reading other books by the same author, reading about the country or time that the story takes place in or listening to podcasts of an author's interview. Our Reading Map will be developed and displayed on the Book Group's blog in August. This is a great way to participate virtually, but we heartily invite participants to join us on the second Wednesday of each month from 2:00pm to 3:30pm starting September 12th. Have questions? Please call Andi at 781-2351 or e-mail library@falmouth.lib.me.us.
Knitting in the Summer?

Yes, we knit in the summer, in air conditioning! Come join us on every Friday afternoon. Tess Parrish is available to inspire and instruct. We meet every Friday from 12pm to 2pm. You are welcome to stop in for 15 minutes for help on a sock heel, or stay the full two hours. All levels of knitters and crocheters are welcome. We suggest children come accompanied by an adult. Please contact Andi or Louise at the library, 781-2351 if you have any questions. And stay tuned for updates and changes to this dynamic group coming this fall!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Upcoming Programs this Fall
The Maine Humanities Council has awarded a "Let's Talk About It" program to the Falmouth Memorial Library. The program, entitled "Not for Children Only" will be lead by Michael Bachem and is a free book discussion program for adults. The program will begin in September and the group will read such childrens' classics as "Little Women", "The Wind in the Willows" and "Charlotte's Web". We will keep you up to date with details as planning progresses!
Computer System Updates on Friday July 6th
The computer system that manages our library's circulation software will be down for servicing on Friday, July 6th. This does not affect our public computers accessing the Internet, but does affect the speed of staff checking in and out materials to our patrons.
Because of the slow down, we are requesting that patrons limit the number of items they check out on Friday, July 6th to five (5). We also will not be able to renew items on July 6th. But, to help out our patrons, all seven (7) day items checked out on Friday June 29th will have a return date of Monday, July 9th! We hope this helps get you through the July 4th week and helps us give you speedier service on July 6th. Please contact the library staff with any questions.
Because of the slow down, we are requesting that patrons limit the number of items they check out on Friday, July 6th to five (5). We also will not be able to renew items on July 6th. But, to help out our patrons, all seven (7) day items checked out on Friday June 29th will have a return date of Monday, July 9th! We hope this helps get you through the July 4th week and helps us give you speedier service on July 6th. Please contact the library staff with any questions.
Friday, June 8, 2007
Summer Reading--Get a Clue!

Our Children's Summer Reading program began Monday, June 18th and we were busy! The theme of this year's reading program is "Get a Clue". If your children haven't signed up yet, it's not too late. Please stop by and see our Children's Librarian, Mrs. C or Jenifer and they will explain the program to you and your children. It's very easy, we don't count the number of books read,we just encourage summer reading.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
The Library Space
What do you think of when you think of libraries....books and quiet spaces? Check out our other spaces, outside the library!
Although we have spaces for quiet reading in the library, have you checked out our garden spaces? There are benches in our Shade Garden and spaces to sit, read and reflect in both of our Terrace Gardens.
Monday, May 7, 2007
Get Cool Falmouth!

The Falmouth Memorial Library and Maine Partners for Cool Communities are offering a series of exciting programs at the Library during May. All events focus on finding ways to save our planet before it is too late! Join us for any or all of the events which are listed on the Cool Falmouth Web Page: http://www.falmouth.lib.me.us/cool.html/
There are also some great links to other COOL sites. Lots of handouts, refreshments and great information. Don't miss out!
There are also some great links to other COOL sites. Lots of handouts, refreshments and great information. Don't miss out!
Spring Clean Up Thank You!
Thank you to the Foreside Garden Club and all the volunteers who helped out on Saturday, May 5th, our annual Spring Clean Up day! We had over twenty-five volunteers sweeping, raking mulching, weeding and painting!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Looking for a Work Out?
We are always looking for volunteers to help the staff keep the shelves neat, clean and in order. Does shelving books intrigue you? Join us! If not, did you know you can get a great workout from shelving? Let us show you the hidden health benefits of working in a library! Call Andi at 781-2351 to sign up!
Spring Clean Up
Spring Clean Up is this Saturday, May 5th from 9 am to noon. A great family event! Help the library staff, trustees, Friends and the Foreside Garden Club spruce up the Library lawns! Coffee, juice and donuts are provided to all Clean Up volunteers. Please bring a rake and gardening gloves. Questions? Call Andi at 781-2351.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Goodbye & thanks from "Jenny A."
I wanted to say thank you to all the kind people who have made me feel welcome here for the last two years.
I am returning to Portland's Salt Institute for Documentary Studies (www.salt.edu), and will also be helping out with www.LibraryThing.com.
Thank you for the thoughtful notes, gifts, and words of encouragement. Have a wonderful spring!
I am returning to Portland's Salt Institute for Documentary Studies (www.salt.edu), and will also be helping out with www.LibraryThing.com.
Thank you for the thoughtful notes, gifts, and words of encouragement. Have a wonderful spring!
Friday, April 13, 2007
A Common Yarn...welcomes Anna Poe
Anna Poe, owner of KnitWits on Congress Street in Portland will visit our knitting group to discuss the ins and outs of owning a yarn store, what's new and other yarn threads. Please join us on Friday, April 20th at noon in the Russell Room. The public is more than welcome to join us!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
The Giant Spring Book Sale is almost here!
Each Spring the Falmouth Memorial Library holds a giant book sale filled with books, videos, and audio books that we have sorted into semi-logical groupings. These are a combination of items that have been donated and items that have been withdrawn from our collection. There's something for all ages and interests. Prices are extremely reasonable and get even more reasonable the last 2 hours of the sale. The sale will be held Saturday, April 28 from 9:30 am until 5 pm. There is also a sneak preview especially for current members of our Friends group on Friday, April 27 from 4 to 6 pm. Friends get in free. Others may also enter for a $5 per person donation. All proceeds benefit the Falmouth Memorial Library. Hope you can make it!
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Spring Cleaning
We've switched the Reference and Audio Departments! Our reference room is now where the audiobooks and music collection were housed. This move was done to allow space for our new Reference Desk and to allow our Reference Librarian more time in the Reference area.
The audiobook and music collections have been shifted over to the former Reference Room. The room is brighter and allows our patrons some room to sit and look over their selections. We've also placed a tape player on a table for you to listen to your selections prior to checking them out.
Check out our new space!
The audiobook and music collections have been shifted over to the former Reference Room. The room is brighter and allows our patrons some room to sit and look over their selections. We've also placed a tape player on a table for you to listen to your selections prior to checking them out.
Check out our new space!
Thursday, March 22, 2007
When is Falmouth Author's Day?
Saturday, March 24th in the library's Russell Room from 1-3pm. Drop by and chat with published authors from Falmouth! We're displaying their books at the end of our new bookcase.
Check Us Out!
We are Spring cleaning here at the library. Check out our new bookcase. The new adult non-fiction and new fiction are displayed here. Let us know what you think.
Monday, March 5, 2007
March is:
What does the month March mean to you?
Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday, March 11th. Spring Ahead!
The first day of Spring is Wednesday, March 21st.
March is when we celebrate women with National Women's History Month. Check out our book display and suggest some titles to the staff.
March is also National Crafts Month. Celebrate by coming to A Common Yarn...the library's knitting group. You can find the group's meeting schedule on our website. Check out our Homepage, click on the Calendar link.
Daylight Savings Time starts Sunday, March 11th. Spring Ahead!
The first day of Spring is Wednesday, March 21st.
March is when we celebrate women with National Women's History Month. Check out our book display and suggest some titles to the staff.
March is also National Crafts Month. Celebrate by coming to A Common Yarn...the library's knitting group. You can find the group's meeting schedule on our website. Check out our Homepage, click on the Calendar link.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
A Common Yarn...the tale continues
A Common Yarn...the FML's knitting group has become so popular, we've added a daytime meeting time. Friday, March 2nd, 12:00pm to 1:30pm is our first meeting, bring your lunch. We will be meeting in the Russell Room at the library. The Thursday evening group will continue to meet weekly from 6pm to 7:30pm until March 1st. We will then skip March 8th and go back to our biweekly meeting starting Thursday, March 15th. Please join us either or both times!
Please e-mail me with any questions at library@falmouth.lib.me.us
Please e-mail me with any questions at library@falmouth.lib.me.us
Friday, January 26, 2007
Calling all Falmouth Book Groups!
We would like to connect with local book groups in the area to offer our services in booktalking etc. If you are a member of a book group in Falmouth and are interested in finding out what our library can offer your group, please contact Andi Jackson-Darling at Andijd@falmouth.lib.me.us or 781-2351.
Monday, January 22, 2007
A Common Yarn Continues....
The second meeting of A Common Yarn...will take place on Thursday evening in the Serber Room in the library. We will be meeting from 6pm to 7:30pm and will be discussing the direction the group would like to take in creating knit/crocheted items for local charities. This is a great place to meet other yarn lovers, exchange ideas and reach out to our community. If you have any questions or suggestions, let me know!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Our DVD collection is growing. We recently purchased some new DVDs, including several new children's titles. Be on the lookout for these additions!
We are also very appreciative of patrons who have donated previously viewed DVDs to the library. We evaluate donations for the collection and add them, or if we cannot use them, we sell them at our book sales. Do you have any DVDs you purchased, but just never watched? Please consider donating quality films to the library, we're hoping to increase our selection and collection. Thank you!
Did you receive a Netflix promotion at home, advertising its "Top 200" most popular films as chosen by Netflix members? By my count, the library has 84 of these 200 titles available to borrow...not bad for a fledgling collection.
We are also very appreciative of patrons who have donated previously viewed DVDs to the library. We evaluate donations for the collection and add them, or if we cannot use them, we sell them at our book sales. Do you have any DVDs you purchased, but just never watched? Please consider donating quality films to the library, we're hoping to increase our selection and collection. Thank you!
Did you receive a Netflix promotion at home, advertising its "Top 200" most popular films as chosen by Netflix members? By my count, the library has 84 of these 200 titles available to borrow...not bad for a fledgling collection.
Taxes & Tax Help
The library has received both federal and state short and long tax forms for 2006. Please take only what you need. The IRS is encouraging citizens to e-file and download tax forms over the internet from home, rather than continue with paper filing.
We have not yet received the binder of federal tax forms that can be photocopied.
Unfortunately, Mr. Crane, the tax help volunteer, is not available at our site this year. We heard from AARP that we do not have a replacement. So please do not call the library to make an appointment with Mr. Crane, as we are unable to do so.
Thank you to Mr. Crane for his time, generosity, and help over the years!
We have not yet received the binder of federal tax forms that can be photocopied.
Unfortunately, Mr. Crane, the tax help volunteer, is not available at our site this year. We heard from AARP that we do not have a replacement. So please do not call the library to make an appointment with Mr. Crane, as we are unable to do so.
Thank you to Mr. Crane for his time, generosity, and help over the years!
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
A Common Yarn...
Looking for a way to connect with other yarn enthusists in the community? Come to the first meeting of A Common Yarn...a knitting group for everyone, experience not needed! January 18th from 6pm to 7:30pm we'll be meeting in the library to discuss projects and potential speakers. Bring your yarn and needles and enjoy a quiet evening at the library.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
Book Groups
The Falmouth Memorial Library sponsors a book discussion group that meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month from 2:00 to 3:30 during the school year except January. This is a great group of readers, welcoming new members. Canadian fiction has been the focus of this group this fall, with some vibrant discussions. We're interested in hearing from you about additional book group ideas.
Do you already belong to a book group? Where do you meet? Might you be interested in meeting at the library instead? Do you have a facilitator or group leader? What genres, titles, authors do you generally read? Are you interested in facilitating a book group at the library?
Please post your ideas to this site, about times, formats, and interests, so that we may improve our service to our patrons.
Thank you for your time and thoughts!
Do you already belong to a book group? Where do you meet? Might you be interested in meeting at the library instead? Do you have a facilitator or group leader? What genres, titles, authors do you generally read? Are you interested in facilitating a book group at the library?
Please post your ideas to this site, about times, formats, and interests, so that we may improve our service to our patrons.
Thank you for your time and thoughts!
Did you know you can borrow back issues of magazines for a week? In the Children's Room, we have several titles that children can borrow, including Kids Discover, which is a very informative & entertaining read. We have Rolling Stone, Mad, Skiing, Road & Track, and Seventeen in our YA area. At the back of the library, we have a comfortable Periodicals Room where you can browse the latest issue of magazines, and then take home back issues. Some great reads include the New Yorker, Harper's, the Nation, Sierra, and Smithsonian. For gardening inspiration, we have Garden Design, People Places Plants, and Organic Gardening. If you like audiobooks, try AudioFile magazine for recommendations.
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